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See Previous Issues and a list of all the Feature Articles below

Three times a year we publish The Inlet, our highly regarded newsletter, and send it to our membership as well as key public figures in the Porirua and Wellington area.


The Inlet is a publication full of information related to the Inlet and the Guardians’ activities. There is always a feature article with a focus on a subject of special interest, or a plant or animal found in and around the Inlet. Along with recent and forthcoming events, and reports on important activities such as the annual Inlet clean-up and the vital three-yearly cockle survey, the newsletter is designed to keep our members fully informed.


When you read our newsletters, you can enjoy once again some of the wonderful photos that have been entered in our Inlet Photographic Competitions. Entrants give us permission to use their photos to illustrate our articles and the website – and there are now many to choose from with a  standard of photography that is very high.


Here you can read our latest newsletter, download it or share it with others.

Click anywhere on any page to go full screen.



>>>A separate link to download the latest pdf copy is available<<<

The Inlet – April 2024

Previous Issues

You can read any of our earlier issues of The Inlet. Below are links to previous issues that can be downloaded as pdf files:

2023: April / August / December

2022: April / August / December

2021: April / August / December

2020: April / August / December

2019: April / August / December

2018: April / August / December

2017: April / August / December

2016: April / August / December

2015: April / August / December

2014: April / August / December

2013: April / August / December

2012: AprilAugust / December


Feature Articles

In each issue of The Inlet we publish a Feature Article focusing on a particular subject. Here you will find a list of these articles and in which issue they were published:

Feature Article


The Inlet Issue

The Cockle

All about this important shellfish

April 2012

Tunnelling Mudcrab

All about this crustacean

August 2012

White-faced heron

The iconic wader of the Inlet

December 2012

The Oystercatcher

Describes the different species and their lifestyle

April 2013

Styela clava

The leathery sea squirt danger

August 2013

Zostera muelleri

Seagrass (once called eelgrass)

December 2013

Black swan

The stately bird of Pauatahanui Inlet

April 2014


The favourite species to catch

August 2014

Pāuatahanui Wildlife Reserve

The history and ecology

December 2014

Pāuatahanui Wildlife Reserve

No 2 of the series

April 2015

Pāuatahanui Wildlife Reserve

No 3 of the series

August 2015

Pollution in Pāuatahanui Inlet

The risks to the Inlet

December 2015

Pollution in Pāuatahanui Inlet

No 2 in the series

April 2016


Improving water management

August 2016

Transmission Gully Motorway

The hopes for its future

December 2016

The rig shark

All about this important fish

April 2017

The fern bird transfer

The story of a new bird to Pāuatahanui

August 2017

Geology of the Inlet

The geological history

December 2017

Fishing in Pāuatahanui Inlet

A recreational story

April 2018

Current State of the Inlet

The condition of the waters of the Inlet

August 2018

The streams of Pāuatahanui Inlet

A look at the source of the waters of the Inlet

December 2018

The streams of Pāuatahanui Inlet

No 2 of the series

April 2019

The Historical Vegetation of the Inlet

A look at the different habitats around the shores

August 2019

Coastal Hazards of the Inlet

How the future will affect the Inlet

December 2019

Foodweb of the Inlet

The relationships between species

April 2020

Current state of the Inlet – 2

Another look at the marine environment

August 2020

Restoration Planting

The process of re-colonising shorelines

December 2020

The Future of the Wildlife Reserve

Facing rising sea levels

April 2021

The history of hydrographic surveys

How the sea floor mapping has developed

August 2021

Hippocampus abdominalis

The pot-bellied seahorse

December 2021

Shags of the Inlet

The four species you might see

April 2022


A look at the importance of this plant

August 2022

Seagrass Pt 2

A look at restoration

December 2022

Royal spoonbill

All about this bird species

April 2023

Bird Populations of PI

Ornithological Society Survey

August 2023

Saltmarsh Rushes

Description of two species

December 2023

Litter – Its causes and concerns

General overview of the litter problem

April 2024