What do we do?
- In keeping with our aims, we advise central and local government of concerns we have that relate to the Inlet, make submissions on plans and proposed legislation, and develop policies to support our concern for the Inlet and its catchment.
Goto: Advice and Submissions.
- We have kept the Inlet in the public eye through press releases, media statements and our very popular annual photo competition. This latter initiative may become broader in the future with a combined competition run by PHAACT and the Porirua Photography Club.

- We provide opportunities throughout the year for local residents to take part in hands-on activities.
Goto: Inlet Clean-up
- Once every three years we combine with NIWA to carry out a citizen science survey of the cockle population in the Inlet.
Goto: Cockle Surveys
- Over the years 2020 – 2022 we have been involved in a planting project that aimed at restoring lost areas of rushes and coastal shrub around the Inlet.
Goto: Restoration Planting
- Members and local residents are encouraged to keep a ‘watching brief’ on the Inlet and report damage, pollution and suspicious activities.
Goto: DOC Hotline / GWRC Hotline