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Inlet Clean-up

Each year, around March/April, GOPI runs an annual community-supported clean-up of all the shores circling the Inlet. The date of this event is chosen to coincide, as near as possible, to a low tide. Normally it is held regardless of the weather (unless extreme conditions would make the exercise unrealistic as was the case in 2022).

This is a full community exercise drawing in individuals, families and volunteer groups from all over the Porirua area and beyond.

We gather around 10:30am, at Browns Bay for registration, allocation of a particular stretch of the shore and the supply of hi-viz vests, gloves and a collection bag. 

The Annual Clean-up is a very popular activity, suitable for all ages and very well supported by young and old alike. Families particularly enjoy the satisfaction of working together to clean up an allocated patch of the shore. 

At the end of the activity, at around midday, we thank everyone by supplying a sausage sizzle as a reward for all the effort put in.

Clean-up 2025 will take place on Sunday 23 March.