Fish of the Inlet
Published records from the New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 1985 show that 46 species of fish have been recorded in the waters of Porirua Harbour as a whole. We don’t know exactly how many of these were present in the Pāuatahanui Inlet but from the listed species it seems likely that all of them could at least be occasional visitors.
Seven of these species — lamprey, brown trout, two eels and three species of whitebait — are principally freshwater fish that transit through the Inlet on their way to or from spawning grounds.

The table below lists the most common species found in Pāuatahanui Inlet. At least 14 species are resident in the Inlet throughout the year, though only nine get to adulthood in the Inlet. The others return to the sea to mature. Nine species are usually present in large numbers (abundant) and 12 are plentiful (common), though not all the common species are present throughout the year.
Only three species are known for certain to spawn in the Inlet but clearly it is an important nursery area for many species.
The most abundant species are probably the Sand flounder and Yellow-eyed mullet. The large number of species of flatfish (four soles and flounders) indicate that there is a diversity of suitable habitats for flatfish in the Inlet.
Specific Fish Species
Common Fish of the Inlet
Common Name | Scientific Name | Occurrence |
Yellow-eyed mullet | Aldrichetta forsteri | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult |
Sand flounder | Rhombosolea plebeia | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult |
Dwarf common sole | Peltorhamphus latus | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult |
Spotty | Cheilidorichthys kumu | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult (spawn) |
Cockabully | Forsterygion varium | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult |
Robust blenny (triplefin) | Trypterygion robustum | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult |
Garfish | Hemirhamphus ihi | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult |
Graham’s gudgeon | Grahamichihys radiatus | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult |
Yellowbelly flounder | Rhombosolea leporina | Abundant resident as juvenile and adult (spawn) |
Kahawai | Arripis trutta | Abundant resident as juvenile; adults visit at high tide |
Common sole | Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae | Abundant resident as juvenile; adults visit at high tide |
Rig (Spotted smooth-hound) | Mustelus lenticulatus | Abundant resident as juvenile; adults visit in summer (spawn) |
Trevally | Caranx georgianus | Abundant resident as juvenile; adults visit in summer |
Red cod | Pseudophysis bacchus | Common adult visitor at high tide throughout year |
Spotted stargazer | Genyagnus novaezelandiae | Common resident as juvenile |
Smelt | Retropinna retropinna | Common in summer as juvenile and adults |
Warehou | Seriolella brama | Common in summer as adults |
Grey mullet | Mugil cephalus | Common in summer as juvenile; adults visit at high tide |
Snapper | Chrysophrys auratus | Common in summer as juvenile |
Elephant fish | Callorhynchus milii | Common in summer as juvenile |
Anchovy | Engraulis australis | Common in summer as juvenile |