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Current Affairs

Here you can read about items of current interest affecting the Inlet.

Freedom Camping Proposal

Freedom camping, as defined by the Department of Conservation, means to camp on public land outside of a formal campsite (on the side of a road, at a parking area, by the coast, etc.) using either a motor vehicle, tent, bivouac or another type of temporary structure.

While there are freedom camping sites in Porirua these areas are the subject of controversy, especially when rules are broken.

Porirua City Council is, therefore, proposing a new bylaw to help with the management of these sites and have put forward a consultation document with explanations as to what constitutes freedom camping, where this can be legally carried out and what are the problems associated with it.

The general public are invited to submit responses to the proposed bylaw after reading through the consultation document. Links to information on the proposed changes follow:

Consultation Document

The above document also guides you through the process of making a submission and is easy to follow.

Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw

Item 7 of this draft bylaw makes specific reference to the restrictions being proposed.


More information on the proposal and how to make a submission can be found HERE