Protecting the values of the Inlet
The only remaining large estuarine wetland in the lower half of the North Island of New Zealand.
It is classified as a ‘Site of Special Wildlife Interest‘ and an area of ‘Significant Conservation Value’.
But it is at risk, mainly from human activities in both the Inlet itself and throughout the whole catchment.
We are a registered charity. Everything we do advocates for the recognition and protection of the ecological, recreational and cultural values of the Inlet.
More members means more influence in promoting the community’s view on protection of the Inlet.
Date Wednesday 19 March at 7.30pm
Baptist Church, Whitby
A Special General Meeting is being held to discuss our Constitution and the future direction of the Guardians of Pauatahanui Inlet. This is open to all members and we strongly encourage you to come along and have your say.
For all those who love taking part in our annual Inlet Clean-up around the shores of Pāuatahanui Inlet please put this following date in your diary.